The Orekit team is pleased to announce the release of Orekit version 11.3.

This is a minor version, including both new features and bug fixes.

Highlights in the 11.3 release are:

  • The unscented Kalman filter (numerical version)
  • The semi-analytical unscented Kalman filter (DSST version)
  • A new PVCoordinatesProvider modelling waypoints on an ellipsoid following a loxodrome (commonly, a rhum bline)
  • A new method to compute hyperbolic anomaly based on Gooding and Odell algorithm
  • A new built-in additional state for covariance propagation (linear method based on the state transition matrix computation)
  • With a new state covariance object allowing covariance transformation between frames and orbit types
  • The extrapolation of the state covariance matrix using a Keplerian model
  • And the ability to extrapolate a state covariance matrix using a Keplerian model
  • The migration of all JUnit tests from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5
  • The ability to estimate measurement parameters (station position or clock biases) from an ephemeris
  • New methods to convert from/to Orekit frames and CCSDS frames
  • Improvements of CCSDS CDM (Collision Data Message) parsers
  • Improvements in date handling and aggregate bounded propagators
  • Several bug fixes and documentation improvements

This release also include a new tutorial for maneuvers’ thrusts and dates estimation.

This version depends on Hipparchus 2.3.

For complete release notes please see the change report.

The Maven artifacts are available in Maven Central repository. The source and binaries can be retrieved from the forge releases page.

Sébastien Dinot

Free and Open Source Software expert at CS GROUP