The Hipparchus team is pleased to announce the release of Hipparchus 3.0.

Version 3.0 is a major release. Highlights in the 3.0 release are:

  • Field version of Erf and Gamma classes
  • A new Blendable interface for data blending
  • Torque-free motion model for non-symmetrical rigid body
  • A SmoothStepFactory which allow for quick creation of common and generic smoothstep function.
  • Replacement of EigenDecomposition by EigenDecompositionSymmetric and EigenDecompositionNonSymmetric
  • Separation of {Field}ODEEventDetector and {Field}ODEEventHandler
  • Improved compatibility with recent JDK
  • Many bug fixes in FastMath, polynomial functions, eigen decomposition, etc.

The release notes can be read here: Hipparchus changes report.

The maven artifacts are available in Maven Central repository. The sources and binaries can be retrieved from the project download page.

Sébastien Dinot

Free and Open Source Software expert at CS GROUP