CS is pleased to announce the 2nd OREKIT DAY on May 23rd, 2019 in Darmstadt, Germany (just after ESA’s ESAW conference).
This one-day symposium is dedicated to sharing experiences between contributors and users of OREKIT, the open source space mechanics library, used world-wide by major space actors (CNES, ESA, NASA, SSC, ASC, ISRO, Eumetsat, Airbus, Thales, Telespazio, Nexeya, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, ISAE-SUPAERO, Texas University at Austin, …).
Themes adressed during the symposium will focus on: OREKIT current scope and roadmap, users experiences using OREKIT in their projects (operational, research, simulation, educational, …), the future of OREKIT.
Submission information
The OREKIT DAY committee is soliciting presentations to highlight original use or contributions to OREKIT on projects developed by your organization. All materials presented during the OREKIT DAY is intended to be published on orekit.org, if authorized by presenters.
Important dates
- Deadline for presentations submission: 1st March 2019
- Notification of acceptance: 8th March 2019
- Preliminary Agenda / Registration opens: 15th March 2019
- Final Agenda: 26th April 2019
- Deadline for registrations: 15th May 2019
Registration required. Free entrance, meals & drinks. For all questions, please contact the organization committee at orekit.day@c-s.fr.
If you do not intend to participate, but if you know someone in your company or organisation who might be interested, please do not hesitate to forward this news.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Orekit Day 2019.